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Items tagged with: WikiLeaks

After years of imprisonment and fighting for his freedom, #Wikileaks founder Julian #Assange is finally free and reunited with his family in his home country of Australia. I am so happy for his entire family, who truly deserve this belated happiness!

Nevertheless, the US government has succeeded in criminalising for the first time the exposure of abuses of power and human rights abuses by the powerful. The Assange court conviction for "conspiracy to obtain information" will deter investigative journalism worldwide. As a reminder, watch this video in which Stella Assange explains the importance of our right to the truth.

🧵 (1/2)

Freedom of #Assange is IMMENSE news!💗 Still processing the multiple emotions: joy, relief, gratefulness.. and a bit of worry.

Sure it IS a reason to celebrate🥳

His unjust ordeal is (probably) over (for now). He walks out of this hellhole that is Belmarsh.

Now there are also reasons to be concerned🧐

The plea deal is nor public nor signed yet. It may contain tons of unjust clauses (gag order? etc.) and is still a strong political signal to deter further journalistic efforts like #WikiLeaks

La liberté d'#Assange est une INCROYABLE nouvelle!💗 Que d'émotions: joie, soulagement, gratitude.. et un brin d'inquiétude.

Raisons de célebrer:🥳

Son calvaire injuste touche (probablement) à sa fin. Il sort de ce donjon immonde qu'est Belmarsh.

Raisons de s'inquiéter:🧐

L'accord "plaider coupable" n'est pas encore signé ni public. Il contient peut-être des saloperies (baillons, etc.) et demeure un précédent politique pour décourager les efforts journalistiques futurs inspirés de #WikiLeaks

One of the Mexican leading newspaper, #LaJornada, just interviewed me on #JA,#WikiLeaks and the #Spanish version of my book #ElPoderSecreto ( #AkalEdiciones) .

At the end of our interview,I told #LaJornada's journalist, #JesusAbrahamFernandez, how lucky #Mexican citizens: they see #progress,a highly educated woman president,we Italians see #regress

1. last Friday, #StellaAssange, Pulitzer Prize winner, #EwenMacAskill and I discussed the #JA and #WikiLeaks case and my book #SecretPower.

#StellaAssange told us a story about the #JA whom I have known for over a decade

(Here is the video):

1. venerdì scorso a #Londra con @Stella_Assange e con il premio Pulitzer del Guardian, @ewenmacaskill, abbiamo parlato del caso #JA e #WikiLeaks e del mio libro #SecretPower.

Stella ha raccontato un episodio in puro stile #JA (qui il video):

TODAY, #London, #BookmarksBookshop

#StellaAssange, Pulitzer Prize winner, #EwenMacAskill, and I will discuss #JA,#WikiLeaks and my book #SecretPower (foreword by #KenLoach, #PlutoPress)

You are very welcome!
It' a FREE event:
join us and ask whatever you're interested in

my book #SecretPower,based on over a decade of investigative work on #WikiLeaks,will be available in #German in Sept. by #Papyrossa:…

It is now available in 5 languages:



Join #StellaAssange and #EwenMacAskill at #BookmarksBookshop to discuss the #JA and #WikiLeaks case and my book #SecretPower.

These are the last months for president #Biden to do the right thing: #FreeJA. Or does he want to end up in history with #Trump?

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