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Items tagged with: Italian

my book #SecretPower,based on over a decade of investigative work on #WikiLeaks,will be available in #German in Sept. by #Papyrossa:…

It is now available in 5 languages:


Sept.: my book based on 15-year-long investigative work on #Assange and @wikileaks will be available in
5 Languages, 4 awards
In #German by #Papyrossa,which also published Vincent Bevin's The Jakarta Method

Thank you to my readers who are indeed special!

My #Italian book on Julian #Assange and #WikiLeaks has now reached the 10th edition

It is now available in 4 languages: #English,#French,#Spanish
it will be available in 6 languages soon

The #Spanish version of my book on Julian #Assange and the #WikiLeaks journalists is out today for #AkalEdiciones!

It's now available in

My Italian publisher, #Chiarelettere, just told me we reprint: 10th edition!

My book based on my 15-year-long investigative work on the #Assange and #WikiLeaks case, will also be published in #German by #Papyrossa-which published the great book #TheJakartaMethod by Vincent Bevins, then becoming available in #English,#Italian,#French,#Spanish,#German

After the #English,#Italian,#French edition, the #Spanish version of my book, based on my 15-year-long investigative work on the Julian #Assange and #WikiLeaks case, will be available from March 4, published by #AkalEdiciones

Pre-sale here:

For those asking:

Yes, my #FOIA litigation is going ahead, no matter the pushback by #US and #UK.
Next August it will be NINE YEARS since my trench warfare began.

I've reconstructed it in my book #SecretPower,now available in #Italian,#English,#French

XMPP Italian happy hour - gennaio 2024 - Live

15-1-2024 - Evento italiano mensile per discutere di XMPP.

XMPP è l'acronimo di "Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol" ed è costituito da un insieme di tecnologie aperte per la messaggistica istantanea, la presenza, la chat multi-party, le chiamate vocali e video, la collaborazione, il middleware leggero, la syndication di contenuti e l'instradamento generalizzato di dati XML.

Maggiori informazioni su

Il MUC XMPP in italiano al quale si è fatto riferimento:

Programme for the evening #Villerupt #Italian film festival.

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