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Items tagged with: Cats

Napping formations from last night.
One on my lap, one half on my lap!



Me, replying to my correspondence (messages, replies, comments)

Orange cats! Good for the soul, bad for the back! 😂​

#Cats, technically a #Selfie though I very much am not the point

One way Mastodon is like earlier internets that I most appreciate is there are so many cats and their humans are mostly just sharing the joy of cat rather than trying to make them into influencers/celebrities/brand deal magnets

#cats #catsofmastodon

Please do not neglect the original purpose of the Fediverse. Indeed, of the whole Internet.

Share them and share often.


I may have accidentally a thing.

This came from wikimedia commons
No dogs sign (a dog behind a red circle with a diagonal line)

And it was remixed as:
The same sign as above, but this time it's a cat

which isn't a sign that is very useful, but was needed for
A blue circle mandatory sign, with a cat

and since I was already working on this, I decided I might as well
Same mandatory sign, with a dog

(if you're reading this on mastodon you probably can't see that the images are in the middle of the text, before the URLs).

#clipart #svg #cats #dogs

Realised I've never shared Napoleon the feral kitty's story here, so here we go.

This is Napoleon, and this is the story of his nine-month journey from a hungry, desperate feral street cat to snuggly duvet monster. /1 🧵 #cats

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