Items tagged with: PostgreSQL
#DBA #développeur #développeuse #SGBD #opensource #formation
#postgresql #gischat
Updatable views in PostgreSQL: Why and how?
A technique useful both in relational spatial datasets and when you can’t change the structure of your
#postgres #postgresql #gischat #postgis #h3
Once again the Pousty Law of Database:
Start with PostgreSQL, then if you run into a problem, go back and read the docs, try again with PostgreSQL, repeat at least twice, ok now you can think about a different datastore
Building Customer-Facing Real-Time Dashboards with Postgres
Postgres can be a great back end to powering your customer-facing analytics. Craig gives an overview of getting started with a metrics schema and then powering up to performance.Crunchy Data
Great topic this month, thanks @michristofides for hosting!
#pgsqlphriday #postgres #postgresql
PGSQL Phriday #008 roundup and review!
A couple of weeks ago, I invited folks to blog about pg_stat_statements , as I was hosting the eighth monthly PGSQL Phriday. It was fun seeing the posts roll in last week— I’m so grateful to everyone who got involved.Michael Christofides (pgMustard)
Look no further than #pgvector
Allows you to store and index vectors as well as do vector math and distance calculations - all in THE BEST database in the universe.
Hat tip to this blog post for bringing it to my attention
#sql #isThereAnythingPostgresCantDo
GitHub - pgvector/pgvector: Open-source vector similarity search for Postgres
Open-source vector similarity search for Postgres. Contribute to pgvector/pgvector development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
One table has 500 rows, the other has 381k. Table stats are accurate. The planner still decides it will return 39M rows, roughly 20% of what a cartesian join. The screenshot is from pgMustard, plan here:
FROM store_potential_customers p
INNER JOIN osm.road_line r
ON r.route_motor
WHERE p.geom <-> r.geom < 100
#postgis #postgresql #postgres #performance
Announcing FerretDB 1.0 GA - a truly Open Source MongoDB alternative | FerretDB Blog
After many months of development, FerretDB is now production-ready. We are excited to announce the general availability of FerretDB
Un grand merci aux conférenciers et conférencière : Arnaud, Alain, Cédric, Ronan, Nicolas B., @pgstef , Melanie et Nicolas G.
#conférences #PostgreSQL #SGBD #DBMS #opensource #logicielsLibres #replay