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Items tagged with: Windows

#geostyler CLI has pre-built binaries for #Linux #Mac and #Windows
that is cool 😎 #gischat

converting between map styles becomes even easier

Visti I tempi di avvio di certe machine con #Windows questo suggerimento Γ¨ quasi passibile di denuncia per danno erariale per il tempo perso per i riavvii πŸ€ͺ😝. Il costo del tempo sprecato del dipendente Γ¨ circa un ordine di grandezza piΓΉ grande di quello dell'energia risparmiata se il PC sta fermo anche qualche ora

Poor poor #alternative #operatingsystems. 😭😭😭😭 #Freebsd #Openbsd #haikuos #aros and several others are innocent, why should you treat them as they were #windows?

Do you work at Microsoft* but also miss a powerful terminal emulator? New in KDE Gear βš™οΈ 23.04: Konsole now works on Windows too!

More at:


* We couldn't think of another reason of why you would still be using Windows over Plasma 🀷

#terminal #windows #commandLine

Or just stop using the #spyware called #windows and start using #freeasinfreedom operative systems 😁

8. #pgRouting 2.0 for #Windows quick guide

#GISChat #QGIS #Rourting

#PLEASE PLEASE, #schools and #faculty, stop "teaching" #Adobe #Photoshop, #GoogleDocs, #Microsoft #Windows, #Zoom, and other commercial software applications.

You're not providing #students an #education, your providing companies customers.

We never taught Smith-Corona, or Turbo TS40, or Ford Tempo. We taught, respectively, typing, wood shop, and student driving. We should teach word processing, computer technology, and communications.

#K12 #Teaching #HigherEd #EdTech

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