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Items tagged with: edtech

#datafixation Love this concept. A "wordplay that combines #datafication and #fixation. The article showcases how the datafication of #education presents compelling arguments about the importance and usefulness of #data, while remaining silent about the negative consequences of reducing students, learning, teaching, and education to superficial indicators. Such a one-sided view meets the criteria of fixation as anunhealthy #attachment." Pekka Mertala #edtech

The nonprofit Alfred P. Sloan Foundation has awarded George Washington University a grant of $685,000 to establish an Open Source Program Office (#OSPO) on campus.

“What we want to do with GW’s OSPO is coordinate and support #OpenSource software across campus and to help researchers discover and embrace #OSS and contribute to creating a culture of open collaboration and knowledge sharing.”

#HigherEd #HigherEducation #EdTech #OpenEducation #EdTechChat #OpenEdTech

“While we support the stated goals of these policies...we are concerned that overly broad policies will unintentionally harm the users they are intended to protect. We feel that it is important to consider the role vendor-neutral nonprofit organizations—especially public software repositories—play in the modern development of software.”
-Python Software Foundation

Apereo adds voice to #CyberResilienceAct:
#OpenSource #HigherEd #EdTech

#PLEASE PLEASE, #schools and #faculty, stop "teaching" #Adobe #Photoshop, #GoogleDocs, #Microsoft #Windows, #Zoom, and other commercial software applications.

You're not providing #students an #education, your providing companies customers.

We never taught Smith-Corona, or Turbo TS40, or Ford Tempo. We taught, respectively, typing, wood shop, and student driving. We should teach word processing, computer technology, and communications.

#K12 #Teaching #HigherEd #EdTech

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