Items tagged with: freeasinfreedom
Btw the client side is #freesoftware , only the server side is proprietary. A suboptimal choice I admit, it is the biggest tradeoff I'm allowing to myself. Truly #freeasinfreedom #instantmessaging software are not "polished" enough for non techies
But this also requires that users and administrators be conscious and educated. Sadly an appreciable share is not ðĒð
Scrivere "Stallman" ed "open source" nello stesso toot rischia di attirare i suoi strali ðððĪŠ
Lui usa solo ed esclusivamente #freesoftware
Io preferisco #SoftwareLibero, #logiciellibre o #freeasinfreedom software
Will AMD's 'openSIL' Library Enable Open-Source Silicon Initialization With Coreboot? - Slashdot
Formerly known as LinuxBIOS, coreboot is defined by Wikipedia as "a software project aimed at replacing proprietary firmware (BIOS or UEFI) found in most computers with a lightweight
Too bad I don't know what to propose to replace #microsoft #teams