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Items tagged with: mozilla

AFAIK #Mozilla tries to raise some money asking the user if they like #pocket suggestions.
I've kept on Pocket suggestion and I found them nice and not intrusive being confined in new tabs

#mozilla is just the geek-friendly PR dept of #Google.

I won't give a dime, till they take Google dollars (or run their services over #AWS).

As #Mozilla is busy adding AI crap to #Firefox, I would like to point out that it's about 13 years since they removed the #RSS button from default Firefox GUI, and six years since RSS support was completely dropped from Firefox.

Thus making feeds invisible and impossible to discover for most web users.

RSS/Atom/JSON feeds are an immensely useful and important tech that can help solve the content discovery problem *without* going through gatekeepers. 👀

But obviously not a priority for Mozilla.

Farfalline nella #pasta: ecco come debellararle | La Cucina Italiana

PS: Lascio il riferimento a #Pocket perché mi fa scoprire cose utili ed indirettamente aiuto #Mozilla e #Firefox

#Mozilla Wants Your Feedback for #Firefox Nightly ARM64 (AArch64) Binaries on #Linux



Io lo so, ma quanti davvero ne comprendono appieno le conseguenze?

Quando #Mozilla imposta #Google come motore di ricerca predefinito, sta collaborando alla mutilazione della libertà di milioni di persone.

Milioni di persone che continuano a votare peraltro. Sei proprio sicuro che tutti ne comprendano le conseguenze?

I just saw that Mozilla is retiring the Mozilla Location Service which provides an open, crowdsourced alternative to proprietary location services from Google and other vendors. 😰

This is used by GNOME and thus Fedora, Ubuntu, Endless OS, etc. to help provide OS-level location services without requiring every app to implement its own. And apparently a patent troll is part of the reason Mozilla stopped investing in it. 🙃

#OpenSource #Linux #GNOME #Mozilla

#Mozilla #Firefox 121 Is Now Available for Download with #Wayland Support on #Linux, Improved PDF Editing, and More

#OpenSource #FreeSoftware

#Mozilla Lets Folks Turn AI #LLMs Into Single-File Executables | Hackaday

Clima, l’1% più ricco inquina quanto cinque miliardi di persone

È un articolo suggeritomi da #Pocket di #Mozilla... spesso sono ottimi consigli

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