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Items tagged with: firefox

#Mozilla Wants Your Feedback for #Firefox Nightly ARM64 (AArch64) Binaries on #Linux


#Firefox #Nightly Expands To #Linux On #ARM64 - #Slashdot

questo risultato dovrebbe spingere i programmatori di #brave ad implementare finalmente un motore di rendering diverso da quello di safari mobile. Cosi finalmente potremmo vedere come vanno i browser alternativi sotto ios. Peccato per #firefox potrebbe essere un incenttvo. Ma il ceo taglia taglia, pensa ai soldi e non a migliorare il prodotto. Ultimamente chi ha le risorse non possiede idee innovative, chi ha le idee innovative non possiede le risorse.

So #Firefox is handing out free cookies at #FOSDEM

Come usare il traduttore di Firefox desktop su Firefox per Android
#firefox #android
In questa video guida vi spiego come installare l'estensione Firefox Translations su Firefox per Android e sfruttare così il motore di traduzione lato client sviluppato da Mozilla anche sui vostri smartphone Android.

Firefox on Android lets you create an icon on the screen that takes you to the current web address as if it was an ad-hoc app. The icon will be the website icon with a tiny #Firefox icon on a corner and will also be shown in app selector. Very nice!

#Mozilla #Firefox 121 Is Now Available for Download with #Wayland Support on #Linux, Improved PDF Editing, and More

#OpenSource #FreeSoftware

Stumbled upon https://թութ.հայ in #mastodon IRC channel (

Opening the link with gnome-terminal's right-click
pointed #Firefox at the website, but copy-pasting the Firefox
URL back made it become: https://%D5%A9%D5%B8%D6%82%D5%A9.%D5%B0%D5%A1%D5%B5

A collegue told me that the correct way to use Unicode
in hostname (for DNS queries) is to escape them with an xn-- prefix,
like this: https://xn--69aa8bzb.xn--y9a3aq/

Was then what Firefox wrote in the clipboard bogus ?

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