Items tagged with: nextcloud
Visti i gravi problemi di Google Cloud (perdita dati) rilanciamo la nostra iniziativa di #degooglizzazione con il cloud libero nextcloud di M1:
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È un cloud cifrato basato su nextcloud 27, tutti gli iscritti a #MastodonUno possono richiedere un account gratuito di 25GB facendo richiesta qui:
Il cloud è accessibile da web e da tutte le app #nextcloud e può essere integrato al PC o smartphone. Si può migrare da e per altri nextcloud
Actually I use only #davx5 to interact with my #nextcloud #caldav and #carddav data…
@gemlog @Andres @TranshumanBlues @davidrevoy
I can't speak for email but I warmly suggest you to move your contacts to a self hosted #Nextcloud or any other #caldav and #carddav server. See
@gemlog @Andres @TranshumanBlues @davidrevoy
Thank you. My needs are far less than enterprise, more small business or familiar. I also use mostly the #carddav and #caldav functionalities.
I will reevaluate #owncloud as I'm pretty sure that the performance of a #golang implementation is at least an order of magnitude better than #nextcloud #php.
#nextcloud #carddav and #caldav services are precious. I can't live without them! 😀
One important step toward independence from #gafam tentacular dominance