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Items tagged with: php

Non riesco a configurare il server integrato di eclipse PHP su ubuntu based. Quando aggiungo un modulo e ne faccio il pubblish non viene copiato tutto il contenuto nella tmp del plugin, non permettendomi di testare gli script. Viene copiata solo la cartella di root del modulo, ma resta vuota. Non capisco dove sbaglio.

#php #eclipse #ubuntu #linuxmint

Thank you. My needs are far less than enterprise, more small business or familiar. I also use mostly the #carddav and #caldav functionalities.
I will reevaluate #owncloud as I'm pretty sure that the performance of a #golang implementation is at least an order of magnitude better than #nextcloud #php.

Hei @PHP @PHP Foundation #php , what's up here?

How firefox is doing "unusual traffic from [my] computer network" (requiring a captcha to continue) , while GNOME Web isn't ?

In a single file!
Adminer ­
A full-featured database management tool written in PHP, in a single PHP file
Adminer is available for MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL, Oracle, Elasticsearch, MongoDB and others via plugin.
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Thanks to the guy who wrote the robthree/twofactorauth # library. It's just awesome. So easy to use.

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