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Items tagged with: php

Un mio piccolo e modesto progetto digitale per segnalare problemi relativi alla sostenibilità ambientale:

Al momento l'ho pensato per la città di Rovereto ma è facilmente trasferibile ad altre città (scritto in PHP).

#ambiente #sostenibilità #civihack #mappe #php

Thank you. My needs are far less than enterprise, more small business or familiar. I also use mostly the #carddav and #caldav functionalities.
I will reevaluate #owncloud as I'm pretty sure that the performance of a #golang implementation is at least an order of magnitude better than #nextcloud #php.

Hei @PHP @PHP Foundation #php , what's up here?

How firefox is doing "unusual traffic from [my] computer network" (requiring a captcha to continue) , while GNOME Web isn't ?

In a single file!
Adminer ­
A full-featured database management tool written in PHP, in a single PHP file
Adminer is available for MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL, Oracle, Elasticsearch, MongoDB and others via plugin.
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Thanks to the guy who wrote the robthree/twofactorauth # library. It's just awesome. So easy to use.

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