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Items tagged with: Software

Why Modern Alternative Languages Never Replace C/C++
I must correct Shalitha Suranga because while he correctly titled his article

Why Modern Alternative Languages Never Replace C/C++

Hundreds of C/C++ alternatives will come, but C/C++ will be with us forever!

He wrote all the reason why C will remain forever as a "portable assembler". C++ is a complex language. A hugely complex
#Software ok, it is #proprietary #software but it's cool in its simplicity... are you aware of a free-as-in-freedom equivalent?

Open Color
Open Color, a color scheme for UI design. Found on ZeusNews as an alternative to the (very) proprietary Pantone.
#Software #SoftwareLibero

Uniform eXchange Format (uxf)
Uniform eXchange Format (uxf) is a plain text human readable optionally typed storage format that supports custom types. It may serve as a convenient alternative to csv, ini, json, sqlite, toml, xml, or yaml.

Looks smart and interesting!

Expecially this part:

Implmenting a UXF pretty printer whould be doable by
#Software #SoftwareLibero

Uniform eXchange Format (uxf)
Uniform eXchange Format (uxf) is a plain text human readable optionally typed storage format that supports custom types. It may serve as a convenient alternative to csv, ini, json, sqlite, toml, xml, or yaml.

Looks smart and interesting!
#Software #SoftwareLibero

Pare che l'uso degli adattatori sia se non proibito, problematico 😥
C'è poi la questione #software e #riservatezza
Se vai a prendere #rms con una elettrica rischi di non riuscire a farlo salire in auto… 😅😜
@Songase975 @rothgar

Scoperta del giorno:

LibreOffice Writer on rollApp
Il tuo elaboratore di testi gratuito per ogni tipo di documento nel cloud. Ottimizzato specificamente per il tuo dispositivo. Provalo!

Non è il mio genere ma è molto buono sapere che c'è!
#Software #SoftwareLibero #Web

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