Items tagged with: openstreetmap
Cultura e impegno sociale chiudono l’estate della Pigna. Torna Scambi Festival: laboratori e spettacoli dal 24 al 27 agosto nel centro storico
Tra gli eventi di #ScambiFestival segnaliamo il laboratorio “Direzione FediVerso!” in collaborazione con il collettivo @Etica Digitale e #Slimp (Software Libero #Imperia): saranno lanciate spedizioni di mappatura del quartiere su #OpenStreetMap e alla scoperta del #Fediverso, l’universo dei social network alternativi.
cc @Tommi @Scambi Festival
A small but significant way to help is updating Open Street Map, since it is used by emergency teams around the world; here’s links to emergency mapping going on in Alaska, Maui, and Vermont right now:
#OpenStreetMap #OSM
The #OpenStreetMap Foundation spends, even with a slightly more ambitious budget this year than previously, less than %1 of what WMF/Wikipedia does, but is struggling to make ends meet.
There is no threat a la the infamous Wikipedia ads that the project will shut down, but without the funds activities will have to be cut back significantly.
If you consider OSM valuable consider
Blog Post:
Support here:
#OpenStreetMap #OSM #gischat
📢 Calling all @openstreetmap users, developers, activists, GIS experts, communities, researchers, academics, cartographers, and curious minds to submit
🗣️ General talk (deadline - August 24, 2023):
🗣️ Academic talk (extended deadline - August 24, 2023):
@sotmeu #OSMScience #OSM #openstreetmap #opensource #osmresearch #conference #europe
alors que l'imagerie de référence est BDOrtho IGN.
#OpenStreetMap #OSM
En mars dernier, une trentaine d'étudiantes et étudiants de la licence professionnelle Génie Géomatique pour l’Aménagement du territoire (GGAT 2) d’Auch ont réalisé une CartoPartie #OpenStreetMap sur le Lycée Agricole d’Auch.
cc @Bristow_69
CartoPartie au Lycée agricole de Beaulieu
Le mercredi 22 mars 2023, de 8h15 à 17h, 29 étudiants de la Licence professionnelle Génie Géomatique pour l’Aménagement du territoire (GGAT) d’Auch ont réalisé une CartoPartie sur le Lycée Agricole d’Auch (EPLEFPA - Beaulieu-Lavacant - Site de Beauli…Forum OSM France
* Ben Ritter: #OpenStreetMap’s big forking problem: OSM centrelines to full streets.
* Julien Perret: Towards the harmonization of digital field data entry for geological mapping: an in-house #QGIS #QField based template.
* Mark Jessell: Delivering data using #GeoServer with #TerriaMap and custom systems.
More info here:
Geogeeks Perth
Geogeeks is a Perth meetup group having fun with open geospatial, open source GIS, and OpenStreetMap.We're running a series of meetups and events to bring the Perth community together, and shine a light on what's happening in open
Used a hex grid and the 'overlap analysis' tool to work out percentage overlap of grid cells/land. Dots then scaled in proportion to overlap
Using coastal data copyright #openstreetmap contributors
Performance tips: use 'subdivide' on land, buffer inward 1m (fixes geometries), split to singlepart, add spatial indexes to both layers. Now takes minutes, not hours
J'obtiens une page vide...
cc @osm_fr
#OpenStreetMap #OSM
OSMobilizon - Mobilizon
Le lieu pour organiser des événements et créer ses groupes locaux d'OpenStreetMapOSMobilizon - Mobilizon