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Items tagged with: FreeAssangeNow

Stella Assange #FreeAssangeNOW
URGENT: Emergency appeal for donations to cover massive USD 520,000 debt for jet.

Julian’s travel to freedom comes at a massive cost: Julian will owe USD 520,000 which he is obligated to pay back to the Australian government for charter Flight VJ199. He was not permitted to fly commercial airlines or routes to Saipan and onward to Australia. Any contribution big or small is much appreciated.



🇩🇪 Heute droht der britische High Court die Auslieferung von Wikileaks-Gründer Julian #Assange für die Aufdeckung von US-Kriegsverbrechen durchzuwinken.

Zum Schutz der #Pressefreiheit und #Demokratie muss die Bundesregierung jetzt etwas sagen und tun, erklärt Partnerin Stella Assange.

Wenn wir genug Druck machen, können der britische Innenminister und der US-Präsident helfen!
#FreeAssangeNOW #Piraten

🇬🇧 Today the UK High Court may greenlight the extradition of Wikileaks founder Julian #Assange for exposing war crimes. Then his fate will be in the hands of the UK Home Secretary and the US President.
We need to continue building up pressure to make European governments speak up to #FreeAssangeNOW now, explains Stella Assange.


I 14 anni di Collateral Murder: la vendetta dei colpevoli si è abbattuta su Julian Assange, costretto a una reclusione sproporzionata

Oggi ricorre il 14° anno dalla pubblicazione da parte di #WikiLeaks del vide #CollateralMurder di Julian Assange che mostrava l'uccisione di civili in Iraq.

Assange rischia una condanna a 175 anni se estradato negli Stati Uniti per le sue pubblicazioni nell'interesse pubblico


The #HighCourt hearing on Julian #Assange is over. No date set for the judgement and in the meantime, he remains in prison.

Shame on those who put journalists in prison, shame on those who are afraid of the truth.

#freeassange #freeassangenow #DayX

📢 So PLEASE: make some NOISE about the #Assange / #WikiLeaks :wikileaks: case!

📖 Read and share the two excellent books by N. Melzer:
and S. Maurizi:
(they exist in several languages, please buy a copy to support them if you can)

📽️ Watch and share excellent videos and documentaries about the case:

✊ And remember that freedom to publish is more than ever *our* collective freedom.

#FreeAssange #FreeAssangeNOW


46 membri dell'Europarlamento presentano oggi un'ultima richiesta al ministro britannico James Cleverly per proteggere Julian #Assange dall'imminente estradizione negli USA

Il nostro messaggio: l’Europa osserva da vicino UK e il suo rispetto dei diritti umani e della Convenzione sui diritti umani. È in gioco il rapporto di UK con l’UE.

#PressFreedom #Giornalismo #trasparenza #Wikileaks #Pirati #FreeAssangeNOW

Stella #Assange im Interview zur drohenden Auslieferung ihres Mannes nächsten Mittwoch: „Dieser Fall ist der größte Angriff auf den internationalen #Journalismus, den die Welt je gesehen hat.“

Während Australien #JulianAssange unterstützt, schweigt unsere Bundesregierung unter Verweis auf die britische Justiz – doch in Wahrheit liegt es genauso in der Hand des britischen Innenministeriums, ob Assange wegen politischer Verfolgung oder drohender unmenschlicher Behandlung freigelassen wird.

Schließt euch am Dienstag den #FreeAssangeNOW-Demos in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Köln, München gegen das feige deutsche Schweigen an!

#Piraten #Transparenz #RechtaufWahrheit

🇬🇧 Transparency is not a crime, but an obligation. It's part of our DNA as #pirates. That's why we support #FreeAssangeNow - also today together with others in the EU Parliament.

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