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Items tagged with: Legal

Hillary Clinton and various US politicians proclaimed #Assange should be murdered. He was targeted for assassination by the CIA. He exposed American war crimes, perfidy, and the extent every US government goes to lie to the public and undermine the "rules based world". #FreeAssange #journalism #legal #Australia #UKpoli #USpoli #liberty #PressFreedom #JulianAssange

So the CRA is becoming even a more a complex beast for the open source communities, so sponsorship is going there too and then applicable to CRA...

Open source should have been totally excluded which would have forced vendors to go for open source.

#freesoftware #fosdem #cra #legal

I think it may be time to start discussing how much longer we can onesie-twosie deal with spam from

#lawfedi and #lawyer or #legal adjacent folks that haven't hopped to a smaller instance and are still on the main one, please consider making a move. We've had more spam reports today than in the last 6 months combined.

It doesn't have to be to if you don't want to, but we'd of course be happy to have you.

@law #mastoadmin

Welcome to all #Fediverse newcomers! πŸ‘‹

Hopefully, we'll see more themed servers and communities too!

🌌 Some recent additions to the network (1/2):

β€’ - South #Africa

β€’ - for all disabled people

β€’ - focus on #legal topics

β€’ - for #science journalists and scientists

β€’ - German #journalists union


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