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Items tagged with: OpenBSD

A great refresher on using email clients over web & thus power hungry browser interfaces by the Mozilla Thunderbird people

#Linux #freeBSD #netBSD #openBSD #UUCP #POP3 #IMAP #OpenSource #POSIX #programming #UA

BSD Jumpstart - Get an overview of each BSD System

#RunBSD #FreeBSD #OpenBSD #NetBSD #DragonFlyBSD #BSD #NoteHUB

New regreSSHion #OpenSSH RCE #bug gives root on #Linux servers

> A new OpenSSH unauthenticated remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability dubbed "regreSSHion" gives root privileges on glibc-based Linux systems.

I wonder if #openbsd and other #bsd oses are affected
#asahilinux runs on #AppleSilicon with a considerable #reverseengineering effort. Now Qualcomm and others are developing desktop #arm systems. Will Linux run on them? Do they support #freeasinfreedm operative systems? I think also about #Freebsd #Openbsd

Poor poor #alternative #operatingsystems. 😭😭😭😭 #Freebsd #Openbsd #haikuos #aros and several others are innocent, why should you treat them as they were #windows?

I spent the weekend refreshing the BSD cloud images on This may be a good resource for your if you're curious about the #BSD OS and you would like to quickly spawn a bunch of VM.

These unofficial images are tested with #OpenStack and Virt-Lightning (libvirt on Linux) but they should work with any cloud.

#DragonFlyBSD, #FreeBSD, #NetBSD, #OpenBSD, #DragonFlyBSD

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