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Items tagged with: Pfas

Are ‘#ForeverChemicals’ In Your Favorite Sparkling Water? Here’s What to Know

Many brands have #PFAS levels of more than 1 part per trillion, exceeding the #Environmental Working Group's recommendation.

By Melissa Kravitz Hoeffner
Published on April 28, 2024

"Bottled and canned water is often considered a healthier or safer option, thanks to purification and processing. But that may not necessarily be the case. In 2020, Consumer Reports ran a study to determine PFAS levels in 47 bottled waters, including 35 noncarbonated and 12 carbonated samples. Many of the carbonated waters had PFAS in them."

#PFAS #PFOS #WaterIsLife #WaterPollution #PFASPollution #PFOA #PTFE #Wildlife #Cancer #Contamination #Chemicals #Environment #FoodPackaging #Plastics #FireFightingFoam #Firefighters #Health #Mining #Lubricants #Electronics #Cosmetics #PFNA #PFHxS #PFB #GenXChemicals
#Toxic #DowChemical #DuPont #3M #BASF #Teflon #RainWater #DrinkingWater #BlueTriton #PolandSpring

[2024-05-22] Presentazione del libro ‘PFAS. Gli inquinanti eterni e invisibili nell’acqua’ con Giuseppe Ungherese @ Libreria Modo Infoshop #booksforclimatejustice #cittadinanzaattiva #ambientalismo #presentazione #inquinamento #libri #pfas

Invasione di #Pfas alla Solvay di Alessandria: è il sito più contaminato d’Europa

#Pfas in #Veneto, non solo veleni nelle acque: a rischio prescrizione il processo sulla morte di tre operai e i gravi danni fisici subiti da altri 18

Toxic ‘forever chemicals’ found in toilet paper around the world
The study checked 21 major toilet paper brands around the world, but it did not name the brands
Research finds waste flushed down toilets and sent to sewage plants probably responsible for significant source of water pollution


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