Items tagged with: ProjectNimbus
oggi vi raccontiamo una rivolta che cambierà il mondo: la rivolta dei lavoratori #Google che NON vogliono essere parte del bagno di sangue a #Gaza,a causa del #ProjectNimbus:
Gaza, i ribelli di Google: “Non aiutiamo Israele”
“Due pesi: stop ai software alla cina, sì all’Idf”Stefania Maurizi (Il Fatto Quotidiano)
“I’m a Google Cloud software engineer, and I refuse to build technology that powers genocide [and] apartheid”
Watch the others in the room. The assholes who jeer and manhandle the protestors. These are your peers in the tech industry. These are the “acceptable folks” in tech. Fuck these people.
Look at their faces. They know exactly what they’re complict in. Look at their smug smiles. Dickheads each one.
#tech #google #ai #ProjectNimbus #israel #genocide #palestine
Google Protest At Tech Conference Over Israel Contracts
Google engineers protested Google at an Israel tech conference in New York before being thrown out by security.Marlon Ettinger (The Daily Dot)