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Items tagged with: SmallWeb

Want to show visitors to your site that your content is human made and doesn't use AI? Grab my badge pack for FREE (or pay as much as you want)

The pack contains 64 88x31px PNG and SVG badges in 8 colors and phrases “made by a human, drawn by a human, human content, written by a human, I am not a robot, never by ai, human content, there's no ai here!”

#free #badges #AI #humanmade #smallweb

Nuovi aggiornamenti di online:
  • Nuovo sistema di commenti basato su messaggi dal sito;
  • Aggiornata homepage e banner, modifiche al layout (larghezza della colonna di contenuto aumentata);
  • Categorizzati i post in inglese e italiano su Blog e Etichette (aggiunta icona bandiera);
  • Aggiunto indicatore grafico per la "freschezza" dei seeds (piantina che cresce).
#smallweb #blogging #digitalgarden

Food for thought: The bigger gets, the less successful the #fediverse is.

Sadly, the fundamental design of Mastodon mirrors the design of Big Tech (a server architecture that can support hundreds of thousands of “users”) and thus inherits its success criteria.

I feel it’s time we at least started thinking about what the web would look like if we all had our own place on it and what it would take to get there from here.

#decentralisation #centralisation #fediverse #SmallWeb

We should not be optimising Mastodon so it can handle more people per server. We should be optimising Mastodon so it incentivises more serves with fewer people.

(And if you take that line of thinking to its logical conclusion, you arrive at the idea behind the Small Web:

#decentralisation #federation #fediverse #SmallWeb

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