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Items tagged with: TaskForce45

the former head of the Italian élite unit in #Afghanistan,#TaskForce45,gen.#Vannacci - also a supporter of the #DecimaMas - just elected to the #EUParliament.

If you have LEGITIMATE access to relevant info on #Vannacci, please share it safely HERE:

Le chiacchiere stanno a zero.

Avete legittimo accesso a informazioni sulla #TaskForce45,comandata dal gen. Vannacci?

Condividetele con me me in modo sicuro, qui:

THREAD IN Twitter di Stefania Maurizi

Pubblichiamo una parte ma va letto tutto 👇


5. la #TaskForce45,comandata dal gen.

Finally,we know that the commander of #TaskForce45,the Italian special forces in #Afghanistan,general #Vannacci, hates gays rights,women rights,black people rights, etc.
If you've legitimate access to documentation on #TaskForce45, please share safely here:

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