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Items tagged with: activism

"After gathering evidence from the UK, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain and Portugal, UN special rapporteur Michel Forst said the repression faced by peaceful environmental activists was a major threat to #democracy & #humanrights.

"The environmental emergency that we are collectively facing and that scientists have been documenting for decades cannot be addressed if those raising the alarm and demanding action are criminalised for it."
#climatecrisis #activism

🎙 New podcast episode!

In episode 49 we speak to anarchist activist Gregor Kerr about the Dublin Anarchist Bookfair.

The Dublin Anarchist Bookfair was first held in 2006. After a few years' hiatus, the bookfair will be taking place again this month on Saturday the 20th May, organised by and independent anarchists.

You can follow the Irish Left Archive Podcast on the Fediverse

#Anarchism #Books #Dublin #IrishPolitics #Activism #IrishPodcast

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