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Items tagged with: biden


Join #StellaAssange and #EwenMacAskill at #BookmarksBookshop to discuss the #JA and #WikiLeaks case and my book #SecretPower.

These are the last months for president #Biden to do the right thing: #FreeJA. Or does he want to end up in history with #Trump?

fino al 7 giugno,la bella opera d'arte di Davide Dormino su #JA, #Manning, #Snowden sarà a #Roma:
gente comune,artisti,attivisti sulla quarta sedia per dire al presidente #Biden: cerca di essere meglio di #Trump almeno sulla libertà di Stampa,#FreeJANOW!

What a craven fucking coward. The effort is to shift responsibility so he won’t take hits from the right in an election year.

“The #Biden administration is planning to refer some migrants in Latin America for resettlement in #Greece and #Italy as part of another effort to discourage people in the region from traveling to the U.S.-Mexico border, two people familiar with the government's plans told CBS #News.”
#immigration #bidenharris2024


there are only a few months left before US elections,unless president #Biden will drop the charges against Julian #Assange,he will end up in history with #Trump as the first US president who entombed a journalist in prison for revealing #WarCrimes

"debe haber una diferencia entre #Trump y #Biden cuando se trata de la libertad de prensa, precisamente como la hubo entre el presidente #Obama, que no acusó a Julian Assange, y el presidente #Trump,que lo hizo",
thank you Daniel Seixo and #NuevaRevolucion!

ho parlato con il media spagnolo


dopo l'uscita della versione spagnola del mio libro e ho detto: su Julian #Assange, NON si vede una sola differenza tra #Trump e #Biden, mentre c'è stata differenza tra #Obama e #Trump (spagnolo):

If you have 20min to spend to document yourself about the #Assange case and why it is critical for the future of:
- press freedom;
- freedom to publish online;
- our collective ability to organize to fight government lies and crimes;
- much more..

..this short documentary by Naomi Brockwell sums it up well, including debunking a bunch of carefully crafted lies, diversions, and other bits of character assassination:

#Assange #FreeAssange #WikiLeaks #Biden #Journalism

Australian PM, #Albanese, said that #Biden "doesn't interfere with the US DoJ".
My #FOIA provides evidence of political interference in the Julian #Assange and #WikiLeaks case from the very beginning. Ready to provide them to #Albanese:

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