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Items tagged with: bittorrent

🪖 Even some of the most modest productions get infused by the geopolitical agenda of the USA, and the PR interests of its armies and intelligence agencies: USA always the center of the World, the "good guys", defines "bad guys".

😵‍💫 This is subtle but extremely powerful. I want to reset my perspectives and World view by adding multiple input, by counter-balancing that force. In past 20years, thanks to #bittorrent🌊 I explored cinema of all places and times:



to explore #Cinema in perpendicular ways, i sometimes search my favourite #bittorrent trackers:

- by directors, exploring entire filmographies (Truffaut, Hitchcock, Murnau, Lang, Melville, Lautner, Godard, Varda, Risi, Pietrangelli, Antonioni, Fellini, Yimou, Gavras, Wilder, Eisenstein, Fulci, Kurosawa, Campion, etc.)

- by name (or through lists) of specific production houses (Hammer, Shaw, Ghibli, Golden Harvest, Cannon, ..)

- by year, for fantastic journeys 1972, 1966, 1984, 1917, etc.

Il mio PC (a sinistra) è collegato ad Internet tramite #WiFi 5GHz, praticamente senza alcun bottleneck rispetto alla mia banda Internet possibile...

Nonostante questo, in circa 2 mesi ha ricaricato meno dati sulla rete #BitTorrent di quanto abbia fatto il #Raspino (a destra), che usa un lento collegamento via WiFi 2.4GHz!

Come è possibile? Perché il PC non è acceso di notte, visto che sprecherebbe un sacco di energia e farebbe rumore, mentre il #Raspberry gira 24/7!

#Pi #Torrent #Sharing

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