Items tagged with: esp32
Paxo Phone (#ESP32) is a wonderful achievement for a 16 years old dude. Yet according to comments on it's modem is "only" 2G which is being phased out in many countries. Ditto for 3G (in Australia)
Open-Source Cell Phone Based On ESP32
Over the past decade or so, smartphones have exploded in popularity and seamlessly integrated themselves into nearly every aspect of most people’s lives. Although that comes with a few downsi…Hackaday
Paxo Phone (#ESP32)
Paxo - Systèmes électroniques open-source et intelligents
Matériel utile, open-source et qui prend soin de la planè
So, I *miiiiight* have bought¹ a new board:
it arrived yesterday.
this morning I quickly followed the tutorial to check if it was working (it is, and the camera quality looks decent enough)
now the question is: what do I want to do with it?