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Items tagged with: fdroid

That's great!

But where I can find a guide to self-host a #FDroid repository?

@fdroidorg @grote

#FDroid (and Basic) 1.20 is here! 🥳
You gotta update manually for now.

You can now select your preferred repository for each app (see screenshot). Thanks to the @fdroidorg team especially @grote for the new release.

Now, can somebody please implement an option to share the link to an installed app instead of directly sharing the full APK? 😬

#FreeSoftware #Android

@paoloredaelli yeah, I'm sure they're using the existing #matrix libraries from @element. The real question is: will they open up their app and get it on #FDroid!

Three years ago, #FDroid had a similar kind of attempt as the #xz #backdoor. A new contributor submitted a merge request to improve the search, which was oft requested but the maintainers hadn't found time to work on. There was also pressure from other random accounts to merge it. In the end, it became clear that it added a #SQLinjection #vuln. In this case, we managed to catch it before it was merged. Since similar tactics were used, I think its relevant now

We have a new blog post :fdroid:.

@uniqx wrote about how we handle our servers to protect your privacy: #FDroid

To celebrate Conversations being back on the Play Store and to deny Google their 15% cut I made the app free for the next ~48 hours. 😜

If you are new here: Check out #XMPP. It's federated, provider and vendor independent instant messaging. It’s great!

Or get it from #fdroid - That version even has address book integration and public channel discovery! 😂

Una app #OpenSource per #Android che consente di interagire con il server Open Source #Moodle, utilizzato da diverse accademie nel mondo, incluso il #ConservatorioSantaCecilia - che bella cosa scoprire Software Libero frequentando una istituzione pubblica, sono piacevolmente impressionato.

PS: su #FDroid ce ne sono 3 di client Moodle

fynngodau/dawdle: Moodle client for Android - dawdle -


@etam I've read your post about OSM from F-Droid supporting AndroidAuto so you might know if there is any reason why such support would be removed, if I may ask.

I'm a user of RadioDroid (web radio client) and would love to see the stream title on the car screen, and upstream devs say it is supported but it isn't working for me, thus I wondered.

Will look at the OSM setup as those also don't show up in AndroidAuto for me

Mi sfugge qualcosa. Ho riletto con calma l'articolo citato (2 volte!). Non trovo citazioni a Telegram.
D'altro canto io diffido del play store preferendo #fdroid

Sono tre anni che uso un Android senza inserire credenziali Google. #fdroid ed #aurorastore. Per la verità non è davvero #degoogled ma ci siamo molto vicino.
Prima o poi mi deciderò a mettere in uso #librem5

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