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Items tagged with: gnulinux

I hooked my GNU/Linux-loving son up with an old #lenovo #thinkcenter mini-PC that I picked up at a used AV store for about $50. For another $20, I upgraded the ram to 12GB.

He's got it setup it up with #debian as his first home server, with which he's now hosting a few static websites and an internet radio station for his friends and family. He's got loads of resources to spare for when he gets into running larger services.

You don't *need* to spend $30+ a month on cloud services when an old recycled office PC will more than suffice.

The best part? Helping him troubleshoot his problems with #DNS and #nginx and all that fun stuff. I've already made every mistake possible over the decades, and he gets to benefit from that. That how it should work!

#gnuLinux #selfhosting #disenshittify #eff

How to Stress Test Your Linux CPU for High Load
stress and stress-ng are essential tools for assessing and testing the performance of Linux systems under various conditions.
Source: How to Stress Test Your Linux CPU for High Load
#Documentations #GNULinux

Prevent sleep/suspend when not logged in
Recently I've been logged into a laptop remotely a lot. Logging out from "main" session makes my Gnome on Debian 12 go to suspend after a while. To avoid it you just have to tell:

sudo dbus-launch gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-inactive-ac-type 039;nothing039;

Thanks to WinEunuuchs2Unix for the answer
#Gnome #GNULinux #Tricks

Where are you made?
Dear, where are your e-ink tablet made?

I gladly read on Wikipedia that you have a appreciable attitude toward free-as-in-freedom software. People from Pine are more friendly to "GNU/Linux users" with their PineNote, but I'd rather chose your. So where do you produce your tables?
#GNULinux #Hardware #eink

Oggi abbiamo imparato quanto è importante il software libero nelle nostre vite, ma abbiamo fatto un passo in più: abbiamo sperimentato su come fare per contribuire attivamente. La libertà non è un regalo ma va conquistata.
#softwarelibero #ils #ilseste #italianlinuxsociety #linux #gnu #gnulinux

So there are people so fed up of the #gnulinux propaganda that they took efforts to create a #nonGnu #Linux OS…
The more the #freeasinfreedom software the better.

A dirla proprio tutta il buon #rms mi redarguirebbe perché
1) si dice #gnulinux 😅 e
2) esistono altri sistemi operativi liberi

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