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Items tagged with: histsci

For #ArtAdventCalendar Day 3, a new scientist portrait: my #linocut of ancient Chinese Han Dynasty #polymath & statesman Zhang Heng (78-139) who invented a seismoscope (a simplified seismometer which doesn’t record earth motions) to detect distant earthquakes & indicate their direction, 2000 years ago! Here with a reconstruction of his seismoscope, schematic of how it might have worked & horizontal earthquake surface waves (Rayleigh waves in particular).

#histSci #printmaking #sciart 🧵1/n

The #SciArtSeptember prompt adornment made me think of fashion, “mauve madness” & William Henry Perkin (1838-1907)’s serendipitous discovery of the 1st synthetic organic dye: mauveine.

Perkin entered the Royal College of Chemistry in London in 1853 at 15, studying with August Wilhelm von Hofmann who hired him as his assistant in 1855 & had him working on a series of experiments to try & synthesize quinine, used to treat malaria.
#linocut #printmaking #sciArt #chemistry #histsci

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