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Items tagged with: licensing

Did you know?
If your project combines two pieces of #FreeSoftware into one, or merges code from one into another, it is important to check whether the licences of each piece of software or code allow or prohibit this combination:

#developer #licensing

#REUSE helps make a project's licensing and copyright status more transparent, ensure that third-party code is properly attributed, and make the project's code easily reusable

We spoke to Matija Šuklje of Liferay International, one of the companies that has adopted REUSE.

#softwarefreedom #licensing

💥 Have you already tried REUSE 3.0.0?

ℹ️ REUSE makes licensing easier for humans and machines alike.

It provides a set of recommendations to make licensing your #FreeSoftware projects easier.

💡Check it out!

#softwarefreedom #licensing

I'm not saying that they are saints 😅
Software #licensing is one aspect, how they manage user data of services that people do not pay is another. One is positive, the other not as you correctly state but other companies behave much worse, think of #Gafam
If you want to avoid seeing your data being sold you have to avoid zero price services, where you're actually the product
@eighthave @element

It is very common to hear the word “copyright”, but what does it mean? 🤔

Watch this talk by #FSFE’s Niharika Singhal to find out! 👀

More questions about licensing? Check out our LEGAL FAQs webpage

#LegalQuestions #licensing #FreeSoftware

Do you maintain a #FreeSoftware project? Is taking care of proper licensing is important for you and your users?
Following our #REUSE standards will take most of the load off your shoulders.

#SoftwareFreedom #licensing

Questions about licensing and #FreeSoftware? Our legal team is there to solve your questions, such as trademarks


More questions? Check our Legal FAQ website!

#Softwarefreedom #licensing #copyright

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