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Items tagged with: nhs

"The billions of our pounds that have been used to subsidise the weapons going to #Israel, that have been used to slaughter people in #Gaza, should be going into social housing, into our schools, into our #NHS", says #AndrewFeinstein

last Oct. we investigated a mysterious contract between #Palantir and the #Pope's Hospital #Gemelli.
According to #TheGoodLawProject,

417 pages out of 586 pages of the #NHS-#Palantir contract are censored

I recommend Jon Trickett's article on #MorningStar on how the very secretive American tech company, #Palantir,originally funded by #CIA, has penetrated #NHS:

#Palantir, which was funded by #CIA and has been supporting wars from #Afghanistan to #Ukraine,has reportedly won the 1/2 a billion contract for the #FDP platform which will decide the future of #NHS.
#Palantir also signed a contract with the #PopeHospital, as we revealed

abbiamo osservato fin dal 2020 come #Palantir è penetrata nel #SistemaSanitarioPubblico inglese, l' #NHS, ora #Palantir è sbarcata in #Italia.
Se avete informazioni rilevanti, condividetele con noi in modo sicuro:

Hundreds of NHS hospitals have been ordered to share people’s confidential medical records with the American spy-tech company, Palantir. Read the investigation from openDemocracy. #dataprotection #privacy #NHS

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