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Items tagged with: postgresql

Administration, performances, développement, migration vers #PostgreSQL : voici les dates de nos prochaines sessions, en présentiel ou à distance =>
#DBA #développeur #développeuse #SGBD #opensource #formation

Updatable views in PostgreSQL: Why and how?

#postgresql #gischat

Another great post from the Crunchy Data folks on using #PostgreSQL as the datastore for real time #analytics / #metrics / #logging (spoiler, they are not even using a huge machine).

Once again the Pousty Law of Database:

Start with PostgreSQL, then if you run into a problem, go back and read the docs, try again with PostgreSQL, repeat at least twice, ok now you can think about a different datastore


PGSQLPhriday #008 Roundup! 🤓

Great topic this month, thanks @michristofides for hosting!

#pgsqlphriday #postgres #postgresql

Love #PostgreSQL Looking to work with #MachineLearning and AI? Wanna use them together?

Look no further than #pgvector

Allows you to store and index vectors as well as do vector math and distance calculations - all in THE BEST database in the universe.

Hat tip to this blog post for bringing it to my attention

#sql #isThereAnythingPostgresCantDo

Such an innocent looking query... I didn't expect it to do this!

One table has 500 rows, the other has 381k. Table stats are accurate. The planner still decides it will return 39M rows, roughly 20% of what a cartesian join. The screenshot is from pgMustard, plan here:

FROM store_potential_customers p
INNER JOIN osm.road_line r
ON r.route_motor
WHERE p.geom <-> r.geom < 100

#postgis #postgresql #postgres #performance

FerretDB: Open source MongoDB alternative (#PostgreSQL)

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