Items tagged with: threatintelligence
The world needs more jobs like this one from Microsoft. #threatintelligence #librarian #jobs
“Threat Intelligence Librarian”
I never ever thought this would exist despite me being.. well this exact thing.
GitHub - flowintel/cocktailparty: CocktailParty is a data broker system based on phoenix framework
CocktailParty is a data broker system based on phoenix framework - GitHub - flowintel/cocktailparty: CocktailParty is a data broker system based on phoenix frameworkGitHub
#opensource #threatintel #threatintelligence
GitHub - MISP/misp-sighting-server: MISP sighting server is a fast sighting server to store and look-up sightings on attributes (network indicators, file hashes, system indicators) in a space efficient way.
MISP sighting server is a fast sighting server to store and look-up sightings on attributes (network indicators, file hashes, system indicators) in a space efficient way. - GitHub - MISP/misp-sight...GitHub
Don't forget to update your instance.
#misp #threatintelligence #opensource