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Some of you may remember that last year I have been #handsewing a shirt in red wool, but by the time I've mostly¹ finished it it was already too warm to be able to wear it significantly.

At least, the Sensible Season seems to have started, and I can wear it!

There will be a blog post. At some unknown time in the future.

a woman walking away from the camera wearing a black long skirt, grey braces, and a red shirt with wide sleeves and a lot of fabric gathered in the middle part of the fitted yoke. The collar is just a collar band, and there is a button in the nape of the neck for a detached collar that is not being worn.

The same, standing still, from the front; there is little fullness above the waistline (where it's tucked in the skirt), and it opens with a button placket in the front with 3 visible buttons.

¹ it does need a few detachable collar and cuffs variants, to style it a bit differently, but those don't prevent me from wearing the shirt as is.

#historyBounding #FreeSoftWear

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Forse qualcuno si ricorda che l'anno scorso ho #cucito a mano una camicia di lana rossa, ma ora che l'ho quasi¹ finita era già troppo caldo per andarci in giro.

Finalmente è arrivata la Stagione Per Bene, e posso metterla!

Ci sarà un post sul blog. Prima o poi.

Una tizia che si allontana dalla macchina fotografica; indossa una gonna nera lunga, bretelle e una camicia rossa con maniche ampie e molta stoffa arricciata nel centro dello sprone. Il colletto è solo una banda e c'è un bottone per attacare un colletto separato, che al momento non c'è.

La stessa cosa da davanti; sopra alla vita non c'è molta stoffa extra (e sotto la vita è nascosta dalla gonna in cui è infilata), e l'apertura è chiusa con tre bottoni.

¹ voglio aggiungere ancora qualche variante di colletti e polsini separati, per variare lo stile, ma la loro assenza non mi impedisce di indossare la camicia così com'è.

Unknown parent

Luca Sironi
@mtt Elena AKA Jessie White Mario
Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''
@Kermode no, it's not itchy, it's a soft fabric that I think may be called faille and it's quite smooth.

And there is an inspiration from an uniform of sorts, but it's more, so there are no yellow lines :)
Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''
@Kermode I mean, I'm used to Garibaldi's name appearing around every corner here in Italy, and I know he was called hero of the two Worlds (the old and the new, but afaik it was mostly in South America) and that he was quite a celebrity in his time. But I didn't expect a mountain named after him in Canada!

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