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Items tagged with: Zoom

Organizzare una teleconferenza con 250 partecipanti utilizzando unicamente software open-source?

Si può!

La settimana scorsa abbiamo organizzato un incontro online assieme alla Commissione europea: Il primo passo verso una “Roadmap” sullo sviluppo dei circuiti integrati liberi ed open-source:

Abbiamo utilizzato #BigBlueButton anziché #Zoom per tutelare la #privacy dei partecipanti. Il servizio ci è stato offerto da ed ha funzionato benissimo.

Is your school forcing you to use #Zoom, #Skype, or other proprietary videoconferencing software to learn or teach? Freedom is important to education. Read about freedom-respecting choices at

The hosted Jitsi service that many people in the Fediverse appear to prefer over, say, Zoom is operated by 8x8, a NASDAQ-traded public company.

I wonder how this makes Jitsi somehow more acceptable to the Fediverse than Zoom. Yes, I understand that Jitsi has an open-source implementation, but if you use a commercially-operated freemium service like that appears to make very little difference re privacy etc.

What am I missing?

#Zoom #Jitsi #Fediverse

[Edited with corrections and citation below]

#Zoom just* changed their terms and conditions to include using anyone's video and audio for training #AI with no option for opting out. You too can help train #deepfake s!

Living with a disabled spouse, I used Zoom a lot to get through the ongoing global pandemic.

What alternatives are out there for remote teaching/meetings?

[* Evidently changed by the March 31, 2023 terms of service, but I didn't notice until yesterday.]
[Citation: Paragraph 10.4 of US terms of service here: ]
[Thank you for all the suggestions! I had to mute the conversation because of the overwhelming replies!]

If your educational institution is still using #Zoom, especially in light of their policy change to use/sell your content to train #LargeLanguageModels (#LLMs), it's doing the wrong thing. Digitally literate institutions (a rare & precious thing) already use #BigBlueButton (#BBB) which is #LibreSoftware & substantially better for educational applications. If you want to trial it, talk to us - we've been making our instances available for institutions to use since Covid:

Zoom is a horrifying company with a long history of causing mayhem and exposing their users to different types of extreme risks, from serving Israel (denying Palestine groups use of Zoom) to installing a web server on Macs that had Zoom installed (which *Apple* had to remove).

Now, they've updated their terms of service to allow training of AI on user content; one can't opt out of this.

Don't user Zoom. Use Jitsi Meet or Matrix or other stable, free, and open-sourced solutions.

Zoom Terms of Service:

#zoom #SurveillanceCapitalism

#PLEASE PLEASE, #schools and #faculty, stop "teaching" #Adobe #Photoshop, #GoogleDocs, #Microsoft #Windows, #Zoom, and other commercial software applications.

You're not providing #students an #education, your providing companies customers.

We never taught Smith-Corona, or Turbo TS40, or Ford Tempo. We taught, respectively, typing, wood shop, and student driving. We should teach word processing, computer technology, and communications.

#K12 #Teaching #HigherEd #EdTech

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