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Items tagged with: development

Andy is annoyed that so much free and open source software is hosted on a proprietary platform that’s owned by Microsoft. There are plenty of alternatives to GitHub, but ultimately the network effect is why so many people host their code there. We dream of a proper federated solution. Maybe one day…

#podcast #linux #development

New article: "Libadwaita: Splitting GTK and Design Language"

#GNOME #GTK #Libadwaita #OpenSource #FOSS #Linux #GTK4 #Development

📢 The #GRASSGIS team is announcing the third call for student grants!! 🚀

We offer student grants for projects that include #development of GRASS #documentation, tests, new features or #geospatial tools and bug fixing 🙌

➡️ Check the wiki for details on how to apply and suggested topics:

#GRASSGIS has a Google scholar profile to track books, publications, conference papers, that show the implementation of new features or use current functionality in research, education or business 🤓👩‍💻🧑‍🏫

Have a look at our collective h-index: 🚀

Have you published any research using or implementing GRASSGIS tools? Help us complete our profile by filling in this form:

@osgeo #foss4g #gischat #opensource #community #development #research #education

SPOTTED: #GRASSGIS developers still hard at work after the #GRASSGIS Community Meeting!

#foss #development #geospatial

Happy 40th Birthday to #GRASSGIS! At the #GRASSGIS Community Meeting, we’re celebrating 40-years of #foss #development

At the #GRASSGIS Community Meeting, developers and users are gathered to work on software, documentation and future plans! #foss #OpenSource #GIS #geospatial #development

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