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Items tagged with: OpenSource

I attended the Amsterdam election debate on digitalisation as Coordinator for the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) and was given the opportunity to ask about Free and Open Source software. It triggered a discussion on the need for #OpenSource in government. More details and video in the news article #EP2024

Want free LibreOffice stickers? Just tell us how much you love the software, with the #LibreOffice hashtag, and you can claim a sticker pack at the end of the month! 😊 More info here: #foss #opensource

One of the most fundamental yet little-known features of FreeBSD is its ability to be used in read-only mode very easily. By installing the system on a UFS file system, you just need to modify the fstab file, change "rw" to "ro," and reboot. On the next boot, the system will automatically create mount points in RAM for the main directories (/tmp, log, etc.), and it will run perfectly.

This was the main reason why, many years ago, I chose FreeBSD for almost all my embedded systems. Even today, on my Raspberry Pies, I keep the SD cards in read-only mode and use external storage in read-write mode. This ensures that, in case of an unexpected poweroff, the system will come back up, and there will be no wear on the memory card.

#FreeBSD #EmbeddedSystems #RaspberryPi #ReadOnly #SysAdmin #Tech #OpenSource

#OpenWashing has become a growing issue in the Free Software community. Many companies claim to be working on “Open Source” or “Free Software” while distributing proprietary software products.

We at the @fsfe would like to learn more about current market practices, and we need your help!

Please share your views and experiences on openwashing here:

Please spread the word, any input is welcome!

#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #FSFE #publiccode

New on // LibreOffice Conference by Volunteers on 10-12 October 2024 in Digital Learning Hub and local campus of 42 Luxembourg in Belval, Esch-sur-Alzette in #Esch-sur-Alzette, #Luxembourg

Call for participation is running until 15.08.2024

#libocon24 #LibreOffice #Conference #foss #floss #freesoftware #opensource #events #europe

Here's another handy #LibreOffice feature you might not know about! If you're working on a long document and want to focus on the body text, uncheck View > Whitespace in the menu, and headers, footers and page breaks disappear: #foss #opensource

"Aber München - #LiMux hat doch gezeigt, dass Open Source nicht klappt! - Diese Killerphrase muss sich jede*r anhören, der oder die #OpenSource in der ÖV einsetzen will💀

Dieses Totschlag-Argument wird von Steffen Voß fundiert und überzeugend entzaubert ✨🧙‍♂️

In seinem Gastbeitrag erklärt er, warum Microsofts 𝗧𝗼𝗼 𝗕𝗶𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗖𝗮𝗿𝗲 war und warum #Office365 keine bessere Lösung für den Public Sector ist💡
Lesenswert für alle, die auf Fakten und nicht auf Fakes stehen:

LibreOffice 24.2 (with new "year.month" version scheme) is our latest major release – but we're still maintaining the older 7.6 branch for a while longer. And today we're releasing #LibreOffice 7.6.7, a minor update: #foss #OpenSource

Gettiamoci alle spalle tutti i prodotti Adobe!

:opensource: Le alternative non mancano. @lealternative

Ecco una tabella competa per sostituire ogni singolo prodotto Adobe con un'equivalente Open Source o con un prodotto con costi abbordabili.

#UnoOpen #adobe #SoftwareLibero #Grafica #OpenSOurce

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