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Items tagged with: floss

one of many reasons for supporting this #FSFE campaign:

"Public Money? Public Code!"

#FreeSoftware #FLOSS #FOSS #privacy

Found in a #git repo about " #Adobe Alternatives":

> ✨ GIMP (Windows, Mac, Linux) (If you're planning on bashing GIMP; just move on - nobody cares)

Finally somebody says it!

#gimp #floss #foss #opensource #worksforme

New on // LibreOffice Conference by Volunteers on 10-12 October 2024 in Digital Learning Hub and local campus of 42 Luxembourg in Belval, Esch-sur-Alzette in #Esch-sur-Alzette, #Luxembourg

Call for participation is running until 15.08.2024

#libocon24 #LibreOffice #Conference #foss #floss #freesoftware #opensource #events #europe

💖 Today, we're joyfully celebrating with @fsfe, who bestowed upon us an Arduino Kit for crafting a heart with LED lights! 💡 #IloveFS #FreeSoftware #FLOSS Happy Valentine's Day to all! ❤️

Dear #FSFE, I am looking forward to the I love free software day with you and would like to express my love for #FLOSS with clothes. Unfortunately, your shop for normal-sized men is quite empty and there are no hoodies.

Can anything be changed in time?

#ILoveFS #ILoveFSDay

#Audacity now provides "AI" effects to do a bunch of interesting stuff:

The Music Separation feature seems to be quite similar to what Deezer developed back in the days:

I still haven't taken the time to try this yet, but having this feature baked directly in Audacity is really nice!


L’inizio del nuovo anno inaugura alcune #donazioni che ho voluto fare ad iniziative #FLOSS (Free Libre & Open Source Software) che ho ritenuto meritevoli.

Per la scelta delle iniziative ho voluto premiare in particolar modo il Gruppo @devol che opera per la diffusione del #fediverso; le altre donazioni sono state scelte per l’utilizzo di strumenti nel corso del 2023, in misura maggiore rispetto ad altri ( @pulsaredit @pandas_dev @torproject )

A big thank you to the @libreoffice community that provided the translations for the Pledge for LibreOffice, the action plan of the candidates standing for election for @tdforg next board of directors.

Fancy providing the translation in another language?

#LibreOffice #OpenSource #FLOSS #elections

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