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Items tagged with: Fosdem

A very good point by a free software developer at #FOSDEM that the CRA is forcing small paid developers to join foundation to avoid the legal inconveniences... the impact is clearly not small.

#FOSDEM has grown huge and needs larger rooms at this point...

Oh no, the room for the gccrs talk is already full and they're kicking out anyone who is standing by the wall ๐Ÿ˜ญ

#GCC #Rust #Fosdem

The speaker just said: "...Mediatek heled us (NXP), because until then we were the only ones using ARM, and when they jumped in we could discuss ARM-specific problems with them."

This is what a healthy open source.project.looks like ๐Ÿ‘

#soundopenfirmware #zephyr #linux #alsa #fosdem

Nice architecture! My laptop's speakers and microphones are in good hands...
#alsa #sof #fosdem #linux

Richard Hartmann is about to give the #Fosdem opening keynote.

#Fosdem 2024 is about to start!

The rivalry between Linux desktops is a thing of the past. Now the #KDE and #GNOME booths coexist side by side; I've seen users pass to both desks and pick up stickers for their laptops.

#FOSDEM #LinuxDesktop #linux

Oggi e domani รจ tempo di #FOSDEM


#FOSDEM รจ un evento gratuito per gli sviluppatori di software per incontrarsi, condividere idee e collaborare. Ogni anno migliaia di sviluppatori di software libero e open source provenienti da tutto il mondo si riuniscono all'evento di Bruxelles. Non รจ necessario registrarsi. Basta presentarsi e partecipare!

I am floored! There are more than 716 people who care enough about @matrix and the promise of open, decentralized, private, and interoperable communication that they're willing to put money on the line โ€“ on a recurring basis ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

Now it's time for institutional funders to step up ๐Ÿ“ฃ

If your organization uses Matrix, or cares about privacy, digital sovereignty, and openness, this is your call to action:

#Matrix #OpenSource #OpenStandards #Interoperability #Privacy #FOSDEM

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