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Items tagged with: Opensource

@RaccoonForFriendica utenti di Friendica, per chi fosse interessato ho pubblicato una nuova versione del client per Android cui sto lavorando (nel tempo libero), maggiori dettagli qui.

Fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate, ogni feedback è ben accetto, tenete conto che è ancora in alpha, quindi ci sono parecchie cose da fare/rivedere, non aspettatevi in assoluto la perfezione ma qualcosa di perfettibile!

#friendica #friendicadev #opensource #androidapp #kotlin #kmp #compose #multiplatform

Auf der diesjähirgen #FrOSCon habe ich zum Thema "Geld ist nicht alles! Neue Wege zur nachhaltigen Beschaffung Freier Software" gesprochen. Dank @c3voc ist der Talk nach kaum 20 Stunden schon online - tolle Arbeit!

Danke für viele gute Gedanken zum Thema während der Konferenz! Auf neuen Wegen mag mancher Fallstrick lauern, aber es lohnt sich, sie zu gehen.

Öffentliche Verwaltungen brauchen #FreieSoftware!

#PublicMoneyPublicCode #OpenSource #Openwashing @fsfe

🐲 Oggi nasce ufficialmente Librezilla, directory italiana di servizi online liberi, open source e gratuiti.

#opensource #serviziliberi

How do the supply chain security obligations under the EU #NIS2 affect those that develop the #opensource used by "essential providers" of digital infrastructure?
@fsfe @openssf and @nlnetlabs are concerned that the term 'supplier' includes economic actors publishing #FOSS that are not a suitable counterparty for the type of reqs the draft imposes on NIS2 entities in their relation with direct suppliers.
Analysis of feedback:

finalmente una app #meteo #opensource #opendata per #android con grafica e #widget spettacolari

la ciccha: impostare lo sfondo del telefono con la stessa grafica dinamica (usa il giroscopio) del meteo attuale, per esempio un cielo stellato o le nuvole eccetera

"Switzerland now requires all government software to be open source"

[FR] Loi fédérale
sur l’utilisation de moyens électroniques pour l’exécution des tâches des autorités (LMETA/EMBAG)

#Cyberveille #Switzerland #opensource

#Nvidia #OpenSource #Linux #Kernel #Driver Performing At Parity To Proprietary Driver - Slashdot

Switzerland now requires all government software to be open source by @sjvn

Switzerland is one of the world's leading #opensource countries; now, if only the United States could follow its lead!

EDIT: Going to try

Any recommendations for #OpenSource project management software that is simply an application on my computer? I don’t need nor want something in “the cloud”. I just need something small for myself.

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