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Items tagged with: android

📲 InviZible Pro Offers 🧄 I2P (purplerouter), :tor: Tor, Firewall, DNScrypt

If you enjoy Orbot, and like the idea of something similar on Android, w/some additional network options, check out InviZible Pro! 😀

#privacy #Android #I2P #Tor #firewall #FOSS #smartphone #HumanRights #Journalism #encryption #overlaynetworks #DNS

#FDroid (and Basic) 1.20 is here! 🥳
You gotta update manually for now.

You can now select your preferred repository for each app (see screenshot). Thanks to the @fdroidorg team especially @grote for the new release.

Now, can somebody please implement an option to share the link to an installed app instead of directly sharing the full APK? 😬

#FreeSoftware #Android

@GrantMeStrength no since the OS is still #proprietary (it also holds for most #Android). I want to control my #hardware.
I still have a 1999 iBook SE where I installed #Debian; at that time their behaviour was much better

#Google Removes #RISCV Support From #Android :android:

L'applicazione di terze parti per Android Fedilab consente di utilizzare,,, ecc. ecc. è ora gratuita su Google Play e continua a esserlo anche su F-Droid.

Se non l'avete ancora provata, questo potrebbe essere un buon momento:

(In precedenza era a pagamento su Google Play e gratuita su F-Droid).

#fediverso #Android #Mastodon #App #Fedilab

#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 5 updated and 4 added apps:

* NewPass: password manager to generate and store your passwords securely
* PackageViewer: quickly view package name, version number, signature information and more
* USB HID Client: use your phone as a keyboard and mouse WITHOUT any software on the other end
* Flut Renamer: (batch) rename files in many ways

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

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