Items tagged with: Lapsus
And finally #Lapsus won! 🤣
#NVIDIA is committing to relase #GPU #Linux drivers as either #GPL or #MIT.
Exactly as requested from the #hackers' crew back in March.
#NVIDIA is committing to relase #GPU #Linux drivers as either #GPL or #MIT.
Exactly as requested from the #hackers' crew back in March.
NVIDIA Releases Open-Source GPU Kernel Modules | NVIDIA Technical Blog
The first open-source release of GPU kernel modules for the Linux community help improve NVIDIA GPU driver quality and security.NVIDIA Technical Blog
È ufficiale! #Microsoft ha confermato che il gruppo di estorsioni di #Lapsus$ ha hackerato uno dei suoi dipendenti per accedere e rubare il codice sorgente di alcuni progetti
Di Pierluigi #Paganini su #securityaffairs
Di Pierluigi #Paganini su #securityaffairs
It's official, Lapsus$ gang compromised a Microsoft employee's account
Microsoft confirmed that Lapsus$ extortion group has hacked one of its employees to access and steal the source code of some projects.Pierluigi Paganini (Security Affairs)