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Items tagged with: GPL

Large corporations like the hate on the #GPL even though it has brought them big benefits. #Linux would be nowhere near what it is without the GPL. I always saw #Google's #Fuchsia kernel as their effort to get out of the GPL, since it would replace the Linux kernel. There was even media hype to that effect. Now I'm happy to see that Google is no longer supporting #Chrome on Fuchsia. I see this as a win for #FreeSoftware

Keeping #OpenSource Open..

In response to #RedHat's corporate moves the #Rocky #Linux project found that they are still able to legally obtain redhat's sources based on the #GPL licensing conditions.

In 1989, we published the GNU #GPL. It is at the core of software freedom and it protects users' rights to run, copy, modify, and share. Read more about free software licensing

Vendere garanzie sul software è una delle fonti di guadagno espressamente indicate da #Stallmann per finanziare il #SoftwareLibero rilasciato con licenza #gpl. Lo è almeno dal 1996, ricordo che ne parlò ad #Ipisa, l'Incontro Programmatori Italiani Sistemi Amiga/Alternativi

Update. Turns out that John #Deere has been using open code under the #GPL w/o living up to the license. The Software Freedom Conservancy (@conservancy) is calling on it to comply — which would greatly enhance #farmers' #RightToRepair.

"We…publicly call on John Deere to immediately resolve all of its outstanding GPL violations…by providing complete source code…that the GPL & other copyleft licenses require, to the farmers & others who are entitled to it."


AFAIK #Google actually hates any version of #GPL. I would not be surprised to discover that any Google employee should sign a NDA to never use GPL for their personal project @federico3 @downey @dma @vwbusguy

Quindi possiamo trattare il sito di #Tesla come se fosse #GPL? Buono a sapersi.
Eh oh, hanno messo loro un file chiamato LICENSE.txt, contenente il testo della GPLv2, nella root del sito; ora si arrangiano, quantomeno per le versioni dei file del sito risalenti a prima della giornata di oggi, in cui hanno tolto il file. 🤷‍♀️

la Software Freedom Conservancy si è unita a Peertube. Ecco il loro canale:

:gnu: @software_freedom_conservancy


Peertube si sta ritagliando un spazio sempre più importante nel mondo del software libero!

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