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Items tagged with: MastoTips

A follow-up post regarding the Mastodon search tips:

If the search options don't work, the reason might be that your Mastodon instance maintainer hasn't implemented Elasticsearch.

Also important: do not use capitals anywhere in the search conditions. E.g.: "From:me" doesn't work.

Further reading:


#mastodon #MastoTips #FediTips #tip #tips #information #knowledge #fediverse

Remember to activate discoverability of your profile and your posts in your #Mastodon account preferences. Can only be done with a web browser, not from the app, as far as I know (please correct me if I'm wrong).

I've wrote some instructions (in Italian) here:

There are probability better docs to link to, if you have then handy they are welcome 🤗

#MastoTips #discoverability

Cercando di capire come possa Mastodon sostituire i social commerciali mi trovo davanti alla difficolta' di trovare persone/argomenti.

Girando tra la configurazione di questa istanza ho visto che ci sono un paio di checkbox che di default sono disabilitati ma che sembrano fatti proprio per farsi trovare piu' facilmente.

Allego screenshot della pagina con evidenziate le voci interessanti.

#accoglienzadigitale #privacy #trovarsionline


Do you want your posts to be as easy to discover as possible? You might want to opt into the "full text search" system.

By default, posts on here are only searched by hashtag. However, if you opt into full text search, all the words in your entire posts will become searchable by other people.

Instructions on how to opt in are here:


(If you don't want this to happen, don't worry, it's off by default.)

#FediTips #MastoTips #Mastodon

Sei un utente Mastodon e vorresti usare i gruppi/forum Friendica e le comunità Lemmy? Allora questa guida fa per te!


- Come funzionano i #gruppi/forum #Friendica e le comunità #Lemmy
- Cosa sono queste utenze
- Cosa rende diversa una comunità Lemmy da un gruppo/forum Friendica?
- Come scrivere da #Mastodon un messaggio indirizzato a un gruppo/forum o a una comunità
- Come trovare o creare gruppi/forum Friendica e comunità Lemmy


Every Fediverse server is independently owned and run. This means every server makes its own rules about what you're allowed to do there (for example, pretty much all servers forbid spam).

On Mastodon, you can see your own server's rules by going to your server's website and clicking on the "Learn More" link.

If you see someone breaking the rules, it's important to report them so that the server admins can take action. When you see a rule-breaking post, click on "..." and then "Report", then follow the instructions.

It doesn't matter if the rule-breaker is from your server or another server, if you can see their post you can report it.

The reporting process sends a message to your server's admin, but it also optionally lets you send an anonymous report to the rule-breaker's server admin too. This can be important as the ruler-breaker's server admin has the power to suspend or even close the rule-breaker's account.

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RSS fans!

You can follow any Mastodon account via RSS by just adding ".rss" to the end of the account's public profile URL.

To find a user's public profile URL, click on their profile image within Mastodon.

For example, if you click on FediTips' profile image you get this page in a new tab:

So, to follow FediTips through RSS, use this address:

This will only show that account's public posts. Other posts will not be visible on the RSS feed.

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