Items tagged with: StarTrek
Alla #SFU2025 potrete partecipare al Meet&Greet con Tony Amendola: un’esperienza unica, impreziosita dal fatto che Tony parla fluentemente italiano. 😍
Attenzione, però: i posti non sono limitati... sono limitatissimi!
#SFU #SciFiUniverseIt #scifiuniverse #Ospite #Attore #TonyAmendola #MeetandGreet #MeetGreet #PostiLimitati #Stargate #StargateSG1 #OnceUponATime #StarTrek #Mandalorian #StarWars #Continuum #CeraUnaVolta #StarTrekVoyager #StarWars #Videogames #SerieTv #Cinema #WordOfWarcraft
I saw this screenshot posted on a Star Trek Discord server today and really liked it. A little digging turned up the original post and reply on Tumblr:
#StarTrek #art #leisure #utopia
it used to bother me that all the art in star trek was really mediocre. the paintings are banal and poorly executed. the music was bland. the games were all sort of slow and lame. but like. now it...roach-works (Tumblr)
Esperto di cultura #Klingon?
Affronta la tlhIngan qaD!
Un quiz 25 domande e 10 minuti di tempo allo spazio di @ItalianKlinzha alla Sci-Fi Universe 2024.
Premiazioni domenica dopo le 17.
#SciFiUniverse #SciFi #Evento #SFU2024 #SciFiUniverseIT #StarTrek #tlhInganqaD #IKS
Last summer I discovered the compose key.
Today I found a list of compose key shortcuts.
6 minutes ago I learned I can type compose+L+L+A+P and get 🖖.
I was not expecting to find a #StarTrek reference in a list of accent marks and math symbols, but maybe I should have.
This one I also had to pull 3 ship layers instead of 1. the main, and then 2 more for the wing diagram in the lower left that got overlayed with each other and converted to lineart
#StarTrek #Barbie #Art
Star Trek Voyager (1995) TV Series Intro, done by Commodore Amiga
In 1995 Star Trek Voyager hit the TV screens, did you know some of the graphics on the intro (credits) were done with a Commodore Amiga (other images of the ...YouTube
Buon viaggio in mezzo alle stelle…
Che qualcuno là fuori, possa intercettare una comunicazione con la tua voce…
#StarTrek #StarTrekITA #StarTrekUniverse #Scifi