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Items tagged with: barbie

Non sono tutte rose e fiori le origini di Barbie.

Cosa pensereste se #Barbie fosse in realtΓ  una bambola destinata ad un pubblico adulto? Quale la reazione delle milioni di madri benpensanti che, ignorando la genesi di questo feticcio, hanno comprato un giocattolo erotico alla propria figlia?


Dream Fleet Bird-of-Prey is done! I re-scaled the overlays to be 3840px. This was another that I had to edit the color in post rather than in the game client.

This one I also had to pull 3 ship layers instead of 1. the main, and then 2 more for the wing diagram in the lower left that got overlayed with each other and converted to lineart

#StarTrek #Barbie #Art

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