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Items tagged with: bigtech

I wrote this with a heavy heart and a newfound fire in me to oppose the tech barons: "The rebellion will be federated"

If you want to follow my Wordpress blog and get new posts straight in your feed, click here: @ele

#blog #FLOSS #bigtech #education #resist #rebel #activism #Fediverse

🚀 The Future is Federated - issue no.11 👩‍🚀

"Beyond technical features: why we need to talk about the values of the Fediverse (part 1)"

with shout-outs to: @bengrosser @rysiek @phanpy @pixelfed and all the lovely people I've been interacting with on here ❤️

#TheFutureIsFederated #tech #Fediverse #activism #bigtech #socialmedia #FOSS #blog #privacy #consent #Matrix

TIL that a #BlackBox #AI can be defined as #OpenSource.

Granting the “freedom to fine tune” cannot be enough to qualify as Open Source AI just like granting the “freedom to configure” cannot be enough to qualify as Open Source Software.

Yet, for #OSI it's enough.

And you can't provide effective solutions to the problem they pretend to see into making training data available.

Or you will be silenced.

#OpenSourceAI #OpenWashing #OpenWashingAI

@informapirata l'articolo contiene varie imprecisioni, di cui la più lampante é che il DSA non si applica a #telegram (come per altro indicato nel sito stesso di Telegram). Ma il vulnus più grande dell'articolo é quello di non riconoscere che il maggiore problema di #internet oggi sono le #bigtech, non l'EU che crea dei regolamenti, imperfetti, ma che fanno da apripista (Cina e in parte anche gli US stanno seguendo questi modello). In ogni caso, nessuno dei regolamenti ha effetti penali.

Need a brief and accessible explainer about the actual harms of AI?

Show folks this:

@thejuicemedia hitting it out of the park, yet again.

#ai #corporations #corporatocracy #billionaires #climateCrisis #BigTech #SiliconValley

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