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Items tagged with: climateCrisis

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@thejuicemedia hitting it out of the park, yet again.

#ai #corporations #corporatocracy #billionaires #climateCrisis #BigTech #SiliconValley

The biggest ever standalone public opinion survey on climate change: 80% of people globally want their governments to take stronger action to tackle the climate crisis. 86% want their governments to set aside geopolitical differences and work together on climate change.

The People's Climate vote involved 75K people in 77 countries. More results:


Every single month in the last 12 months has broken temperature records for the respective month. For ocean surface temperatures - it's now a 14 month streak

If we choose to continue to add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere then 2023/4 will soon look like a cool year, in a similar way to how 2015/6 now appears


#ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction

"After gathering evidence from the UK, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain and Portugal, UN special rapporteur Michel Forst said the repression faced by peaceful environmental activists was a major threat to #democracy & #humanrights.

"The environmental emergency that we are collectively facing and that scientists have been documenting for decades cannot be addressed if those raising the alarm and demanding action are criminalised for it."
#climatecrisis #activism

via Prof Dr. Eliot Jacobson

Please take a moment to appreciate this excellent novel graphic by @ReesCatOphuls

It shows the rate at which monthly milestones in global mean surface temperatures go from their first appearance to becoming a permanent state of the global climate.

1.75°C is next up."

#climate #ClimateScience #ClimateEmergency #ClimateChange #climatecrisis

In case you were wondering, why yes, the global average daily temperature is still the highest on record, as it has been almost every day since early July 2023. Graphic courtesy U. Maine's Climate Reanalyzer using ERA5 reanalysis. #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Climate

By now, you should realize that there is no chance — zero — that global warming will remain comfortably below 1.5°C. It’s not going to happen, even though back in 2015 in Paris, nearly every country in the world agreed to take all necessary actions to achieve that.

So we know 1.5 is dead at this point. But why is it dead?

Take a look at the chart below of 40 leading nations and how each of them have done so far in meeting their climate commitments.

Nobody, not one nation, is on track to do what they promised. All we ever get is more Business As Usual.

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual #CO2 #Emissions

Agli amici di @ultimagenerazione segnalo una modalità di azione diretta nonviolenta basata sul "detournement" dei messaggi pubblicitari, come forma di azione "a basso rischio", aperta a persone che non parteciperebbero ad altri tipi di azione che richiedono un maggior coinvolgimento personale e legale, ma comunque interessate a mettere in circolazione un messaggio contro la "cultura fossile". E buon anno a tutti gli attivisti!

#antipub #climatecrisis

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