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Items tagged with: elsevier

Nuovo comunicato AISA sui #contrattiConservativi, impropriamente noti come #ContrattiTrasformativi Chiedo aiuto ai giuristi e bibliotecari in ascolto: nella nota 5 di c'è un confronto fra il contratto con #Elsevier del consorzio tedesco DEAL e quello italiano di #CruiCARE ma non sono sicura di aver capito bene quanto sono riuscita a raccogliere.

This is a very important decision: one of the well-known flaws of #bibliometric evaluation is its dependance on proprietary databases - with a conflict of interests, in the case of #Scopus, belonging to #Elsevier. And science, to be open, needs to do away with them.

Il CNRS francese interrompe l'abbonamento a #Scopus perché in contrasto con l' #OpenScience
#Scopus è il secondo oligopolista della bibliometria proprietaria, e in questo caso pure in conflitto di interessi, perché appartiene a #Elsevier. Nel frattempo, la valutazione di stato dell'#ANVUR rimarrà basata in gran parte sulla bibliometria oligopolistica e proprietaria ancora per anni:

Im Zuge ihres #openscience-Konzepts hat #cnrs die #Scopus-Lizenz beendet.

Awesome sketch on the #ImagingNeuroscience editor rebellion. I seriously hope more editors will have the courage and follow suit. (Looking at you Nature journals).

Editors Quit Academic Publishing Company


"The plain fact is that we don’t need Elsevier – it is a parasitic company that takes the products of science for nothing and then charges the public, and scientists, to buy back access to them."

Times Higher Education: Mass resignations from #Elsevier journal over 'unethical' price hike

2022 has been an excellent year for #Elsevier !

- Revenue: 2,909 £m (US$3.5 billion)
- Adjusted operating profit: 1,100 £m (US$1.3 billion)
- Margin: 37.8%

To a large extent, this 'success' was made possible by all the scholarly organizations that have helped funnel tax funds to the shareholders of the monopolist!

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