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Items tagged with: gtk

New article: "Libadwaita: Splitting GTK and Design Language"

#GNOME #GTK #Libadwaita #OpenSource #FOSS #Linux #GTK4 #Development

100th version of #Komikku! 🎉

This is an opportunity to give some figures:
- 63,000 installations (Flatpak)
- Translations into 17 languages
- ~60 contributors (including translators)
- 2400 commits
- Almost 5 years of development

Another version will be published (next week?) for the release of #GNOME 45.

Happy reading
#GTK #libadwaita #manga #comics

Too many requests😭
As long as #rust has #gtk and #qt support I'm happy
#Rust #GTK #Qt

"# 5 Might Drop X.11 Support, Says # Dev" Oh no, our beloved @ebassi got the #-like illness!!! 😜
I wasn't even aware of an eventual X12...
He knows what he says. My only hope is we can keep the # transparency that we all loved in # (even if according to X11 is not really transparent anymore)

New # release, hot off the presses:
- lots of UI papercuts fixed
- better feedback on file and folder import

Get it on Flathub:

# # #

Today I've worked on a little on my toy python-only Gtk UI Light Language (GULL), which is an experiment to write a lighter, more compact, UI definition file for #GTK instead of XML.

My experiment works only with python, as the code which parse and build widgets is all in python/py-gobject . It has also some nice functionality, like import other definition files as widgets and python module to connect functions to events. Oh and probably will ever support only Gtk3, because it's a toy, I'm lazy and I didn't started to look into Gtk4 yet...

I was thinking about writing a "converter" from my format into XML, to be able to use it via standard GtkBuilder.

My ugly code is here:

And now I stumbled on this by @James Westman

I see we both come on that from the same thread on #GNOME discourse 😀

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