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Items tagged with: jwst

Stasera lunedì 29 gennaio, ore 19.00, sono in diretta #Youtube con Alberto Negri di Spazio Tesla per una chiacchierata su tre grandi telescopi del recente passato e della contemporaneità: parleremo di Hubble Space Telescope, del NASA's James Webb Space Telescope e di Euclid. #hubble #jwst #euclid

Here is a new 4-color #JWST image of the planet Uranus, along with its rings and moons, adding two filters to the 2-color version released earlier this year.

The labeled blue, star-like things are Uranus' moons, including its five major moons: Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, and Oberon. We also see a smattering of the smaller moons near the rings, named after characters from the works of William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope.



Earlier this week, we saw a new #JWST image of Cassiopeia A. Cas A has been observed with many other telescopes over the years. Let's take a multi-wavelenght tour of the supernova remnant across different types of light.




Thanks for all the lovely attention & comments on our NASA/ESA/CSA #JWST image of HH212 yesterday, & welcome to everyone newly following.

On this wet, windy Sunday afternoon, I thought I'd combine all four of our recently-released JWST Cycle 1 star formation images into one post & mini-thread.

Namely the short- & long-wavelength mosaics of the inner Orion Nebula & Trapezium Cluster, and the protostellar flows HH211 & HH212.


#Astronomy #SpaceScience #Astrodon #StarFormation


Here it is, several thousand years in the making: the protostellar jet HH212 as seen in the infrared by #JWST.

We discovered this jet in 1993, glowing in the light of shocked molecular hydrogen at 2.12 microns, as gas emerges symmetrically at about 100 km/s from the two poles of a young protostar not far from the Horsehead Nebula in Orion.

Our new JWST image spans six wavelengths & is ten times sharper than any previous infrared image.

#Astronomy #SpaceScience #Astrodon


Well, isn’t that lovely: our JWST image of the inner Orion Nebula & Trapezium Cluster is today’s Astronomy Picture of the Day 🖖🙂🤘

Thanks to everyone who’s sharing the images & don’t forget that you can download them at full resolution under a CC BY-SA licence via the link in the next toot 👇

#Astronomy #Astrodon #APOD #SpaceScience #JWST #Orion #JuMBOs

As promised, some more #JWST loveliness today.

Our paper on the HH211 protostellar outflow, with Tom Ray of Dublin as first author, is in this week’s print edition of Nature 👍

And … we have the front cover, the first time a JWST science image has featured there, we think 🎉🙇‍♂️

I made this new version of the image in my Reykjavík hotel room last week & while travelling home 😬

Quite proud of it – enjoy 🖖🙂🤘

#Astrodon #SpaceScience #SpaceRocks

It's paper time!

The first results from my #JWST time, in a project shared with Tom Ray et al. from the MIRI consortium, a study of the extremely young protostellar outflow, HH211, in Perseus, published in advance form in Nature today.

Here's the headline image, a composite of three of the NIRCam filters we used.

#Astrodon #SpaceScience

Direi che va visto assolutamente #jwst #netflix

Our #JWST rocky exoplanet team is back with a new result:

Water Vapor in the data of warm rocky planet! 💦

But is it from the planet's atmosphere or cool star spots on the star?? 🌎 🤔 🔴

Read the article here and stay tuned for a thread ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

#Astronomy #Astrodon #Exoplanets #Astrophysics #Science

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