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Items tagged with: monopoly

#Google's #playstore App Store Ruled an Illegal #Monopoly, as a Jury Sides With Epic Games - #Slashdot

Also #Apple has complete monopoly on its #iphone

Almost always monopolies are bad.

@pluralistic on #surveillance #mercantilism, based on an unholy alliance between big government spying on you & big business happy to oblige for the sake of its #monopoly: Outside the USA, in countries like Italy, the surveillance mercantilism takes the face a of surveillance #colonialism

I will go one step further and say that calling #FDroid an "unsafe app" by this standard is dishonest. It seems that some at #Google also agreed, since the older version of that screen was honest: "Blocked by Play Protect" instead of "Unsafe app blocked". Looks like the #GooglePlay team is still focused on protecting their #monopoly, this time using scare tactics. 2/2

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